As you can see in the pictures, I am using a ribbon cable to attach the control system electronics to the Raspberry Pi. This will enable me to semi-easily remove and replace the Raspberry Pi if I need it for other projects. A cheaper controller would have been nicer because then I could just leave it on the laser cutter forever. However, since I spent upwards of $50 on the Pi and all its extra peripherals and power accessories (and since I only have one), I don't really want to leave it there forever.
I also epoxied the power switch to the edge of the base so it is nicely accessible and stable.
After I completed all these tasks, I looked into the X axis stalling issue. After a cursory debugging run-through, I found the problem. The base of the moving platform was running into the Y axix stepper motor when the X axis got to a certain position. Stupid me. *Sigh*
Finally, I coded a test function to ascertain the engraving/cutting capabilities of my laser cutter on different materials. I called it "drawMrSmiley()". Using this, I can set a cutting speed and an engraving speed and see if it works on different materials and colors of materials. The square is cut and the face is engraved. The laser also engraves wood! I am quite exuberant at these impressive results!
From top to bottom left to right are offwhite paper (engraving speed was too fast), green fabric, green craft foam, and black craft foam. I also did a cool zipper/zigzag design on wood. I love this laser cutter!