I looked at this image to see which voltages anodized titanium to nice colors. Then, I connected the number of 9V batteries necessary to achieve that voltage. Some batteries were at a bit less than 9V, so my first voltage I used was 24V (three batteries). I connected my titanium to the positive on my battery series and clipped a piece of aluminum to the negative. After putting both electrodes in my anodizing bath for half a minute, the titanium had turned a bright blue color!
I wanted to try making a pattern, so I cleaned my blue titanium with acetone again and then cut a tiny square of electrical tape into the letters "Ti." I carefully applied the tape letters to the titanium, being sure not to leave skin oil on the metal. Then, I put the titanium back into the bath, this time using 57V (seven batteries). I wasn't happy with the faint yellow color that voltage made, so I tried again with 73V (nine batteries). That gave a nice pink color, so I took the titanium out and removed the tape. The pattern had worked, and I now had beautiful blue letters on a pink background. The experiment only took half an hour, but it had great results!